Dari ngoprek foglamp kemarin ternyata ada 2 PR yang harus digarap: beresin rembesan oli dan ganti v-belt (fan belt).
V-belt alternator rontok
Ada toko spare parts Mitsubishi deket rumah, dapetnya v-belt merk Mitsuboshi. Sekalian beli 2 buat v-belt AC.
Cari yang ukuran FM 30. Buat merk Mitsuboshi ukurannya 1300
Ternyata ada insiden aki tekor gara-gara alternator problem. Sekalian ganti di bengkel. Kondisi v-belt sudah sangat parah. Retak-retak dan rontok.
Ternyata v-belt yang lama merk biasa, dulu ganti gara-gara v-belt sebelumnya putus di jalan.
Update for Belt replacement.After the first sesaon, the new belt system worked as planned, however the problem of overheating and cycleing up and down to half power after 20 minutes of run time has continued. I am currently planning to increase the size of the Alternator. The pulley from the old should work just fine.Also I did come accross and article in This Old Boat which used a designe incorperating a variable diameter pulley to tension a belt dedidated to the alternator, which was bolted onto the front of the Engine Drive Pulley.