Kabar Baru: Tarif Cisco Career Certification Exams

Barusan dapet kabar dari temen dimilis pcc-polines tentang naiknya harga ujian sertifikasi . Agak kaget juga, tapi berhubung BBM juga sudah naik jadinya ya sedikit bisa dimaklumi. Walaupun dalam hati menangis sedih…

Berikut perincian harganya:

ICND1 and ICND2 exams are $125 USD
exam is $250 USD
Professional level and CCDP Composite exam is $300.00 USD
CCIE written exams are $350 USD
CCIE lab exams are $1,400 USD

(about certification exams)

Cisco has announced a price increase for its exams effective June 24, 2008. The following FAQ from Cisco provides additional information on this increase.

*FAQ for Price Adjustment to CCNA Comprehensive, Professional- level Composite and CCIE Exams *

June 24, 2008

Q: *What exactly is the price adjustment being made at this time?*
A: As of June 24, 2008, the price of the CCNA comprehensive exam #640-802, the single exam option for achieving CCNA certification, will be $250 USD, the professional- level Composite exam #642-892, will be $300 USD and the CCIE written exams will be $350 USD or the local currency equivalent in all regions.

Q: *Why is the price being adjusted at this time?*
A: Our market analysis indicates the prices of these exams are out of line with the market value they provide and with other IT certification exams at the Associate, Professional and Expert level. Cisco Career Certifications is one of the industry’s most recognizable and highly valued programs for IT professionals. Achieving a CCNA, Professional or Expert certification validates knowledge and hands-on skill with the world’s leading solutions.

Q: *Will the price be adjusted in all worldwide locations?*
A: Yes, the price will be adjusted in all regions. Cisco Certified Learning Partners in some areas may include the exam along with a training course for a single price.

Q: *Will the price to Networking Academy students also be changed?*
A: Consistent with our past years strategy, Cisco will provide financial assistance to Cisco Networking Academy students in the form of discounts to offset the cost of key certification exams.

Q: *Will the price increase impact the Cisco CA employee discount?*
A: CA employee voucher program will not change ($50USD).

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8 thoughts on “Kabar Baru: Tarif Cisco Career Certification Exams”

  1. Bara_baru_belajar 3B XD

    om hafidz….brarti klo jadi IDR totalna 2500000?piuwh mahal amid..
    padahal gw baru kerja…
    om bantuin bwd prepare CCNA dun…
    blajar dari PAss4sure n testking masi bingung,,,jawab masih banyak yg ngelantur..
    Need help…
    leh minta ID YMna ta om?
    klo gw mu nanya2 gitu…


  2. @mizan : kalo mau ambil sertifikasi cisco di semarang,daftar di universitas stikubank (unisbank) yg kampus mugas aja. soalnya unisbank udah kerja sama ama cisco. kebetulan aku juga ikut

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