Read/Write NTFS dari Ubuntu

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Dual boot Windows dan ? Buat anda yang baru menggunakan / Ubuntu, wajib menginstall -3g yang sekarang sudah diklaim full support read/write ntfs. (he..he.. dah lama sich… maklum baru tau :p)

Support of NTFS partition for linux has always been a problem. Projects exist since many years but was always experimental, and was claim to be not safe. On the 14th of July 2006, a developer of the linux-ntfs team, Szabolcs Szakacsits, revolution this area by releasing a new driver ntfs-3g which claimed to provide full read/write support for all NTFS partition. After months of successful testing by hundreds of thousands of users in beta status, ntfs-3g is now fully stable.

Instalasi pada Feisty

A. Konfigurasi otomatis

Dengan cara instalasi ini anda dapat melakukan konfigurasi otomatis, tanpa perlu mengedit file fstab. Dan dapat mengganti2 pilihan antara read/write sewaktu2 dengan mudah.

# apt-get install ntfs-config

Setelah instalasi selesai, jalankan ntfs-config dari Applications > System Tools > NTFS Configuration Tools. Atau via terminal:

# gksu ntfs-config


B. Konfigurasi manual

Konfigurasi manual anda harus mengedit fstab.

1. Install

# apt-get install ntfs-3g

2, Cek nama device NTFS

root@mars:/bin# fdisk -l | grep NTFS
/dev/sda2 * 1 3227 25915648+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda5 3227 4847 13010728+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda6 4847 9090 34088008+ 7 HPFS/NTFS

3. Edit file fstab

# vim /etc/fstab

UUID=84E0BC6AE0BC6458 /media/sda2 ntfs umask=222,utf8 0 1
UUID=EED8A9FFD8A9C5E5 /media/sda5
ntfs umask=222,utf8 0 1
UUID=107C42627C424328 /media/sda6
ntfs umask=222,utf8 0 1

ganti ntfs menjadi ntfs-3g

4. Remount semua partisi NTFS anda

# umount /dev/sda2
# umount /dev/sda5
# umount /dev/sda6
# mount -a


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