modul pengapian

Percobaan si bata merah di Karimun (DIY instalasi MSD6AL)

The MSD 6 Series Ignitions feature a capacitive discharge ignition design. The majority of stock ignition systems are inductive ignitions. In an inductive ignition, the coil must store and step up the voltage to maximum strength in between each firing. At higher rpm, since there is less time to charge the coil to full capacity, the voltage falls short of reaching maximum energy which results in a loss of power or top end miss.
The MSD Ignition features a capacitor which is quickly charged (within one millisecond) with 460 – 480 volts and stores it until the ignition is triggered. With the CD design, the voltage sent to the coil is always at full power even at high rpm.
The MSD 6 Series produces full power multiple sparks for each firing of a plug. The number of multiple sparks that occur decreases as rpm increases, however the spark series always lasts for 20° of crankshaft rotation. Above 3,000 rpm there is simply not enough "time" to fire the spark plug more than once, so there is only one powerful spark.

MSD 6AL “si bata merah” yang akan coba dipasang adalah tipe analog PN 6420 (keluaran lama). Dengan MSD 6AL, busi akan mempercikkan api lebih banyak dalam setiap langkah pengapian, hingga 19 spark. Durasi spark lebih panjang hingga 20° putaran crankshaft. Misfire bisa sangat minim terjadi.

Yang penting settingan AFR jangan terlalu lean aja mungkin.. dengan upgrade kualitas spark, suplai BBM juga harus diimbangi.

Harapan setelah terpasang adalah pembakaran lebih sempurna, karena BBM yang terbakar lebih banyak, tenaga meningkat  dan ujung-ujungnya konsumsi BBM lebih efisien. Tapi simple aja buat karimun sih yang penting pembakaran lebih sempurna n lebih irit aja… semoga 😀

msd6alMSD 6AL PN 6420 primary  voltage 460 – 480 Volt, current draw 1amp/1000rpm, spark energy 105 – 115 mj

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